Browsing by Author "Ahmadi, Mohammad H."
Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Designing a powered combined Otto and Stirling cycle power plantthrough multi-objective optimization approach
Ahmadi, Mohammad H.; Ahmadi, Mohammad Ali; Pourfayaz, Fathollah; Hosseinzade, Hadi; Açıkkalp, Emin; Tlili, Iskander; Feidt, Michel (Pergamon-Elsevier Science, 2016)Throughout the recent years, several efforts have been conducted in studying Stirling engine which haveyielded various models for analysis of Stirling engine thermal efficiency and output power. In the presentstudy, the ... -
Exergetic Sustainability Evaluation and Multi-objective Optimization of Performance of an İrreversible Nanoscale Stirling Refrigeration Cycleoperating with Maxwell–Boltzmann Gas
Ahmadi, Mohammad H.; Ahmadi, Mohammad-Ali; Maleki, Akbar; Pourfayaz, Fathollah; Bidi, Mokhtar; Açıkkalp, Emin (Pergamon-Elsevier Science, 2017)Introducing nanotechnology made a revolution in various industries such as upstream, downstream and energyindustries. As a result, developing new types of nanoscale thermal cycles can develop the future of energysystems. ... -
New thermodynamic analysis and optimization of performance of an irreversible diesel cycle
Ahmadi, Mohammad H.; Ahmadi, Mohammad-Ali; Açıkkalp, Emin; Nazari, Mohammad Alhuyi; Yazdi, Mohammad Arab Pour; Kumar, Ravinder (Wiley, 2017)In this study, an irreversible Diesel cycle is investigated based on entransy method and optimization conducted by considering various scenarios. Entransy expressed as a heat transfer potential of a subject and it has begun ... -
Parametric investigation of phosphoric acid fuel cell - Thermally regenerative electro chemical hybrid system
Açıkkalp, Emin; Ahmadi, Mohammad H. (Elsevier, 2018)In this paper, a phosphoric acid fuel cell (PAFC) – thermally regenerative electro-chemical cycle (TREC) hybrid system is investigated in terms of the different parameters including ecological function for different ...