Toplam kayıt 13, listelenen: 1-10
Haşlama Et Atıksuyunun Membran Biyoreaktör (MBR) Sisteminde Arıtımı
(Nobel Bilim ve Araştırma Merkezi, 2015)
Dünyada ve ülkemizde nüfus artışına paralel olarak, gıda maddelerine olan talep de aynı oranda artış göstermiştir. Bu da gıda endüstrisini dünyanın en büyük endüstriyel sektörlerinden biri haline getirmiştir. ...
Treatment of domestic wastewater by membrane bioreactor system (MBR)
(Journal of Engineering Research and Applied ScienceKocaeli: ENT MAKİNA ENERJİ MÜH. İNŞ. OTOM. SAN. VE TİC. LTD. ŞTİ, 2016)
The reuse of waste water after treatment has become widespread all over the world. By treating the waste water, the fresh water supplies can be protected by shortening the water cycle in the nature, and the need for water ...
Removal of Diamozol Red ED-3 from Simulated Textile Wastewater in Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) System
(SET Teknoloji, 2018)
In this research, the decolourization process of Diamozol Red ED-3 textile dye by using activated sludge collected from wastewater treatment facility in Bilecik First Organized Industry Zone was examined in membrane ...
Acinetobacter baumannii İzolatlarında Fenilalanin-arjinin-beta-naftilamidin Siprofloksasinin Minimal İnhibitör Konsantrasyon Değerleri ve Dışa Atım Pompası Genlerinin Ekspresyonu Üzerine Etkisi
Son yıllarda, dirençli bakteri enfeksiyonlarının tedavisi için en gerçekçi yaklaşımın yeni antimikrobiyal bileşiklerin sentezlenmesinden ziyade, direncin inhibe edilmesine yönelik araştırmalar olduğu
düşünülmektedir. ...
Chemical Composition of the Fixed and Essential Oils of Nigella sativa L. from Turkey
(Nazım ŞEKEROĞLU, 2018)
Nigella sativa L. is an annual herbaceous plant which has medicinal and culinary uses. The seeds and extracts have antioxidant and antimicrobial effects. Besides, the seed oil is rich in unsaturated fatty acids. This ...
The determination of the resistance inheritance against common bunt in wheat and half-diallel hybrids
(Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences, 2019)
This study was conducted to determine the inheritance of common bunt resistance in twelve bread wheat varieties and their half-diallel hybrids in Turkey. The disease ratings were performed on the F2 generations of the ...
Atıksu Arıtımında Mikroorganizma Kullanımında Yeni Bir Yaklaşım Tekstil Boyalarının Membran Biyoreaktörde Funguslarla Arıtımı
(ISITES, 2014)
Tekstil endüstrisi Türkiye'nin en önemli endüstrilerinden bir tanesidir. Çok çeşitli kimyasal ve karmaşık yapıya sahip tekstil boyalarını içeren tekstil endüstrisi çıkış suları çevreye oldukça zarar vermektedir. Ucuz ...
Removal of Dimozol Blue BRF%150 from Simulated Textile Wastewater in Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) System
The textile dyeing industry consumes large quantities of water and produces large
volumes of wastewater from different steps in the dyeing and finishing processes.
Visually and undesirably, the significant contaminant ...
Removal of Diamozol Red ED-3 from simulated textile wastewater in Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) System
(SET Teknoloji, 2018)
The reuse of wastewater reduces both the consumption of freshwater resources and minimizes the environmental impact of discharged wastewater. Biological treatment technologies have been utilized in wastewater reclamation ...
Treatment of Domestic Wastewater by Membrane Bioreactor (MBR)
The reuse of waste water after treatment has become widespread all over the world.
By treating the waste water, the fresh water supplies can be protected by shortening
the water cycle in the nature, and the need for water ...