Wear Behavior of Solid SiAlON Milling Tools During High Speed Milling of Inconel 718
Çelik, A., Alağaç, M. S., Turan, S., Kara, A., & Kara, F. (2017). Wear behavior of solid SiAlON milling tools during high speed milling of Inconel 718. Wear, 378, 58-67.Abstract
Machining of Inconel 718 is a challenging process because of high hot strength and hardness, high re-activity with the tool materials and low thermal conductivity of Inconel 718 alloy. Although SiAlONceramics in the form of indexable inserts are utilized successfully in turning and milling operations ofInconel 718, application of solid SiAlON milling cutters on high speed milling of superalloys is rare. In thisstudy, SiAlON ceramics were manufactured in the form of solid milling cutters and tested in high speedmilling of Inconel 718 in order to investigate the wear mechanisms during machining process. The wearbased on the severe adhesion of the work-piece to the toolflank face and repeated formation and re-moval of an Al and Ti-rich diffusion layer was observed at theflank faces of the tools.