Some New Identities Concerning Generalized Fibonacci and Lucas Numbers
Zafer, Ş. İ. A. R., & Keskin, R. (2013). Some New Identities Concerning Generalized Fibonacciand Lucas Numbers. Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, 42(3), 211-222.Abstract
In this paper we obtain some identities containing generalized Fibonacci and Lucas numbers. Some of them are new and some are well known. By using some of these identities we give some congruences concerning generalized Fibonacci and Lucas numbers such as
V2mn+r equivalent to (-(-t)(m))(n) V-r (mod V-m),
U2mn+r equivalent to (-(-t)(m))(n) U-r (mod V-m),
V2mn+r equivalent to (-t)V-mn(r) (mod U-m),U-
U2mn+r equivalent to (-t)(mn) U-r (mod U-m).