Environmental Pollution Cost Analyses of Biodiesel and Diesel Fuels for a Diesel Engine
Yildiz, I., Açıkkalp, E., Caliskan, H., & Mori, K. (2019). Environmental pollution cost analyses of biodiesel and diesel fuels for a diesel engine. Journal of environmental management, 243, 218-226.Abstract
In this study, Japanese Industrial Standard diesel no 2 and waste cooking oil biodiesel fuels are compared interms of environmental pollution cost analysis. The experiments of the diesel and biodiesel fueled diesel engineare done at 100 Nm, 200 Nm and full load (294 Nm), while engine speed is constant at 1800 rpm. The methodused in this study consists of a combination of economic and environmental parameters. According to theanalyses, the total environmental pollution cost of the biodiesel is higher than the diesel fuel. On the other hand,the total cost of the CO2emissions of the diesel fuel is generally found to be higher than biodiesel fuel in terms ofthe life cycle based environmental pollution cost. The specific environmental pollution cost is found as minimumat full load to be 2.217 US cent/kWh for the diesel fuel and 2.449 US cent/kWh for the biodiesel fuel at full load.On the other hand, the life cycle based specific environmental pollution cost is determined as minimum at fullload to be 5.050 US cent/kWh for the diesel fuel and 5.309 US cent/kWh for the biodiesel fuel. The biodiesel fuelhas higher values than diesel fuel in terms of the specific environmental pollution cost rates. The maximum totalcarbon dioxide emission rate is found as 0.2405 × 10−3kg/kJ for the biodiesel fuel at 100 Nm engine torqueand the minimum one is obtained as 0.1884 × 10−3kg/kJ for the diesel fuel at full load. When the paybackperiods of the fuels are examined, biodiesel has longer period than diesel. The environmental payback periodand life cycle based environmental payback period are also compared for fuels. In this context, the biodiesel haslonger environmental payback periods rates than diesel. Consequently, the biodiesel fueled engine has higherenvironmental pollution cost rates than the diesel fueled engine, while the total carbon dioxide parameter of thediesel fuel is close to the biodiesel fuel's rate. Also, all of the other environmental parameters of diesel fuel isgenerally better than biodiesel. Consequently, the diesel fuel is generally better option than the biodiesel con-sidering environmental aspects. For better environmental management, the diesel fuel utilization in the dieselengine is slightly better option than biodiesel fuel in terms of environmental pollution cost analysis.