Closed-Form Solutions for Gradient Elastic Beams with Geometric Discontinuities by Laplace Transform
Yayli, M. Ö. (2013). Closed-form solutions for gradient elastic beams with geometric discontinuities by laplace transform. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2013 doi:10.1155/2013/129872Abstract
The static bending solution of a gradient elastic beam with external discontinuities is presented by Laplace transform. Its utility lies
in the ability to switch differential equations to algebraic forms that are more easily solved. A Laplace transformation is applied to the
governing equation which is then solved for the static deflection of the microbeam. The exact static response of the gradient elastic
beam with external discontinuities is obtained by applying known initial conditions when the others are derived from boundary
conditions. The results are given in a series of figures and compared with their classical counterparts. The main contribution of this
paper is to provide a closed-form solution for the static deflection of microbeams under geometric discontinuities.