Determination of DNA Damage Caused by Different Salt Concentrations in Safflower Types with ISSR-PCR.
Çetin G., Sülüş Ş., Leblebici S., 2018. Determination of DNA Damage Caused by Different Salt Concentrations in Safflower Types with ISSR-PCR. International Ecology 2018 Symposium, 19-23 June, page 602.Abstract
Introduction: Salinity is a major abiotic stress factor affecting plant growth. Safflower is one of the plants with high resistance to stress factors. Safflower is one of the plants with high resistance to stress factors. This taxon is cultivated in Eskişehir, Burdur and Isparta. Parts of safflower are used the treatment of various diseases, and the flowers of the crop are used in the food, cosmetics, paint and pharmaceutical industries. Especially high tolerance against cold and hot temperature makes safflower an alternative plant for dry agricultural areas. In this study, DNA damage was detected in three different types of Safflower grown in different concentrations of KCl by ISSR-PCR.
Material and Methods: In this study, seeds of three varieties of safflower, Balcı, Dinçer and Remzi Bey were used as experimental materials. The seeds of each varieties were germinated in seed beds which contains 100 seeds in vials. Distilled water used as control group and 50, 100, 150 mM KCl solutions were applied. The condition was 16 hours light/8 hours dark photoperiod and 25±1°C in growth chamber. DNA isolation was carried out by the method developed by Dellaporta et al. (1983). Also, the obtained DNAs were screened by ISSR-PCR technique using 6 different universal primers. According to the results of the screening, the DNA damage that occurred between the concentrations and cultivars was compared.
Results: According to the ISSR-PCR results obtained in the study, it was determined that changes occurred in each type of Safflower. It has been determined that the salt (KCl) at different concentrations causes different band profiles on the varieties. It has been determined that the applied 100 and 150 mM KCl solution is highly effective in Balcı varieties. Furthermore, When the aspir types were compared, it was determined that there are differences in the ISSR profile depending on the concentration applied.
Discussion: Salt stress causes changes in osmotic stress and ion balance in plants. In addition, it damages DNA, protein, chlorophyll and membrane function, thus exhibiting secondary effects with photosynthesis inhibition and metabolic toxicity. This study has shown that high concentrations of KCl salt cause damage to the DNA of Safflower varieties. While Remzibey variety is resistant to high salt concentration, Balci is sensitive. Remzibey variety is parallel to the literature. In addition, as salt concentration increased, there was a difference in ISSR-PCR profiles. These profile differences were also observed with different primers.